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Asiatic, Martagon, Oriental, Tiger, Trumpet
Lilies are such colourful additions to our summer gardens.
All lilies make excellent cut flowers.
Asiatics Lilies flower a bit earlier, with large blooms often speckled.
Martagon Lilies are tall and shade tolerant. They are fragrant with reflexed petals.
Oriental Lilies have fragrant long lasting flowers on tall stems.
The Roselily family are exceptionally scented and pollen free.
Tiger Lilies are fragrant with very reflexed petals.
Trumpet Lilies have long trumpet like flowers. (Easter Lilies)

Our Lilies are all planted with 3 bulbs per pot for instant effect in your garden.
Last Updated 2024-12-17    to order email with Code and quantity ie  LIL025 x 2
Please note we do not ship plants nor bulbs.
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Asiatic Lily Delicate Joy
Asiatic Lily Dynamix
Asiatic Lily Forever Susan
Asiatic Lily Gwen
Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily
Delicate Joy Dynamix Forever Susan Gwen
60 cm tall 125 cm tall 90 cm tall 50 cm tall
LIL021.5 LIL023.5 LIL025.5 LIL029.4

Asiatic Lily Levi
Asiatic Lily Tinilco
Asiatic Lily Tiny Comfort
Asiatic Lily Tiny Crystal
Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily
Levi Tinilco Tiny Comfort Tiny Crystal
90 cm tall 90 cm tall 35 cm tall 35 cm tall
LIL042.5 LIL180.5 LIL207.4 LIL210.4

Asiatic Lily Tiny Ink
Asiatic Lily Tiny Shadow
Martagon Lily Claude Shride
Martagon Lily Pink Morning
Asiatic Lily Asiatic Lily Martagon Lily Martagon Lily
Tiny Ink Tiny Shadow Claude Shride Pink Morning
35 cm tall 30 cm tall 120 cm tall 120 cm tall
LIL216.4 LIL225.4 LIL640.5 LIL650.5

Lilium martagon Fairy Morning
Oriental Lily Casa Blanca
Oriental Lily Jaybird
Oriental Lily Josephine
Martagon Lily
Oriental Lily Oriental Lily Oriental Lily
Fairy Morning
Casa Blanca Jaybird Josephine
120 cm tall
120 cm tall 110 cm tall 110 cm tall
LIL320.5 LIL333.5 LIL335.5

Oriental Lily Roselily Anouska
Oriental Lily Roselily Esra
Oriental Lily Roselily Nowa
Oriental Lily Roselily Sita
Oriental Lily Oriental Lily Oriental Lily Oriental Lily
Roselily Anouska Roselily Esra Roselily Nowa Roselily Sita
75 cm tall 60 cm tall 60 cm tall 60 cm tall
LIL375.5 LIL401.5 LIL402.5 LIL407.5

Oriental Lily Rosylily Samantha
Tiger Lily Splendens
Tiger Lily Sweet Surrender

Oriental Lily Tiger Lily Tiger Lily
Rosylily Samantha Splendens Sweet Surrender
90 cm tall 80 cm tall 85 cm tall
LIL405.5 LIL926.5 LIL925.5

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Made in the Shade Perennials
3626 Hwy 2 RR 3 (4.5 km east of Joyceville Rd.)   Gananoque,  Ontario    K7G 2V5
Phone: (613) 382-8251      eMail: