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Convallaria Lily-of-the-Valley
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Shady A-H
I-Z Ferns Shady Native Shady Ground Covers |
Lily of the Valley is one of the
most common of old-fashioned perennials, and a
favourite for growing as a groundcover in shady
areas. . Takes a year or two to establish, then
spreads quickly. May go dormant in summer.
Tolerant of poor soils, even dry shade, but
prefers a rich, moist soil. |
Like any ground-cover Lily of
the Valley needs to be edited carefully once it
has filled a space. We have seen it grow through
asphalt in the quest to take over the world. |
Convallaria is toxic to humans
and animals if eaten. |
All photos taken at our nursery.
Inclusion here does not always mean we have in
stock. |