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Narcissus ordered fall 2024
When ordering please specify; Quantity of bags, Name & code ie 2 bags Angel's Flute NAR101
All prices are tax included
We reserve the right to limit quantities   
We do not discount our bulbs for Hort Societies, Military Discounts nor Landscapers.
UPDATED 2024-10-07
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Narcissus Angel's Flute
Narcissus Arctic Bells
Narcissus Chromacolor
Narcissus Coral Crown
Narcissus Eaton Song
Angel's Flute Arctic Bells Chromacolor Coral Crown Eaton Song
Trumpet Mini Cupped Cupped Rockgarden


35 cm tall 10 cm tall 40 cm tall 35 cm tall 30 cm tall
$15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 25 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 10 $15 bag of 20
NAR101 NAR102 NAR134 NAR106 NAR136

Narcissus Electrus
Narcissus Geranium
Narcissus Ice Follies
Narcissus Iwona
Narcissus Kapiti Peach
Electrus Geranium Ice Follies Iwona Kapiti Peach
Butterfly Poetaz Cupped Dwarf Rockgarden

40 cm tall 35 cm tall 40 cm tall 30 cm tall 35 cm tall
$15 bag of 10 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 10
NAR109 NAR135 NAR133 NAR112 NAR137

Narcissus King Alfred
Narcissus Love Call
Narcissus Milena
Narcissus Mount Hood
Narcissus Pipit
King Alfred Love Call Milena Mount Hood Pipit


Trumpet Butterfly Species Trumpet Species
40 cm tall 35 cm tall 30 cm tall 35 cm tall 30 cm tall
$36 bag of 50 $15 bag of 10 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 15
NAR114 NAR139 NAR140 NAR121 NAR141

Narcissus Poeticus Recurves
Narcissus Snowtip
Narcissus Tahiti
Narcissus Tete a Tete
Narcissus Thalia
Poeticus Recurves Snowtip Tahiti Tete a Tete Thalia
Cupped Cupped Double Dwarf Rockgarden


40 cm tall 40 cm tall 40 cm tall 15 cm tall 35 cm tall
$15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 10 $15 bag of 15 $15 bag of 25 $15 bag of 15
NAR123 NAR138 NAR125 NAR126 NAR128

Paperwhite Inbal
Paperwhite Ziva
force indoors
4-6 weeks
before flower

Paperwhite Paperwhite

Inbal Ziva

back-ordered back-ordered

40 cm tall 40 cm tall

$15 for 10 $15 for 10

PAP100 PAP101

Made in the Shade Perennials Inc.
3626 Hwy 2 RR 3 (4.5 km east of Joyceville Rd.)   Gananoque,  Ontario    K7G 2V5
Phone: (613) 382-8251      eMail: