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2024 Tulips
When ordering please specify; Quantity of bags, Name & code  ie 3 bags Hilde TUL163
We reserve the right to limit quantities   UPDATED 2024-10-07
We do not discount our bulbs for Hort Societies, Military Discounts nor Landscapers.
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The Tulips are listed alphabetically except for the species Tulips at top

Tulip species Danique
Tulip species Hilde
Tulip species Little Beauty
Tulip species Mara
Danique Hilde Little Beauty Mara
Species Species Species Species

10 cm tall 10 cm tall 10 cm tall 20 cm tall
$10 for 10 $10 for 10 $10 for 20 $10 for 10
TUL161 TUL163 TUL107 TUL164

Tulip Bendigo
Tulip Blueberry Ripple
Tulip Doll's Minuet
Tulip Don Quichotte
Bendigo Blueberry Ripple Doll's Minuet Don Quichotte
Double Fringed Rembrandt Virdiflora Darwin


25 cm tall 40 cm tall 50 cm tall 45 cm tall
$12.50 for 12 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15
TUL148 TUL160 TUL159 TUL201

Tulip Double Dolce
Tulip Eyelash
Tulip Flaming Prince
Tulip Granny Award
Double Dolce Eyelash Flaming Prince Granny Award
Double Peony Fringed Single Early Double Peony

50 cm tall 55 cm tall 30 cm tall 60 cm tall
$12.50 for 10 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15
TUL149 TUL151 TUL162 TUL150

Tulip Hakuun
Tulip Novi Sun
Tulip Pineapple Express
Tulip Queen of Night
Hakuun Novi Sun Pineapple Express Queen of Night
Darwin Darwin Double Late Mix Single Late
55 cm tall 60 cm tall 50 cm tall 60 cm tall
$12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15 $14.00 for 16 $12.50 for 15
TUL146 TUL147 TUL140 TUL115

Tulip Rasta
Tulip Red Madonna
Tulip Red Riding Hood
Tulip Serano
Rasta Red Madonna Red Riding Hood Serano
Parrot Parrot Greigii Greigii

30 cm tall 45 cm tall 25 cm tall 30 cm tall
$12.50 for 10 $12.50 for 12 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15
TUL165 TUL154 TUL166 TUL152

Tulip Silver Cloud
Tulip Skyhigh Scarlet
Tulip Sunrise Prince
Tulip Texas Flame
Silver Cloud Skyhigh Scarlet Sunrise Prince Texas Flame
Triumph Single Late Single Early Parrot
45 cm tall 70 cm tall 35 cm tall 45 cm tall
$12.50 for 10 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15 $12.50 for 15
TUL158 TUL157 TUL156 TUL155

Tulip Vendee Globe

Vendee Globe

Lily Flowered

40 cm tall

$12.50 for 15


Made in the Shade Perennials Inc.
3626 Hwy 2 RR 3 (4.5 km east of Joyceville Rd.)   Gananoque,  Ontario    K7G 2V5
Phone: (613) 382-8251      eMail: