All of
next years picture catalogues have been posted.
Lots of new varieties and some old favorites. See availability for
Next year will be our 20th year in business!!
Look for some early 20% deals next month
Have a Happy Holiday Season
The Sales Team at Made in the Shade
Laura Lynn and Charles
Hosta for 2025
has been posted. See Availability
for prices
Grasses 2025
& Veg 2025
Plants have all
been laid down and put to sleep for the winter.
Orders are in and we are working on updating
Spring Bulbs
including Dahlias
& Tender Bulbs
Roses for 2025
Clematis for
for 2025
Looking for evergreen branches
for winter decoration?
We have a good assortment at very good prices
We also have some very nice wreaths &
Still some Amaryllis, lots of Paper-Whites
Some remaining bulbs
ready for forcing
Gift Certificates are on special till Christmas
$50 buys $55
Buy via email or in person
The final Amaryllis
and Paper-white Order has arrived!!!
New hours
starting Nov 1st....close at sunset or
later by appointment....
Still time to get them in the ground, or put
them in the fridge for winter forcing fun.
All of the
Amaryllis have arrived!
catalogue link
Paper-whites and the back-ordered Amaryllis next
With the colder weather we are getting ready for
winter, doing inventory, ordering next years
perennials and generally doing all the behind
the scenes work that goes into maintaining the
At right is Amaryllis Mystica, a newer variety
with lovely streaked flowers.
Is October going to
be the new September?
October is a great month to plant Trees,
Perennials and of course bulbs....
As a quick trick dig one hole, add 5-7 daffodil
bulbs then plant a perennial such as perennial
Geranium or Salvia in the same hole.......
Also stock up on seeds while you are here. All
seed pkts $2
Bulbs have arrived.....
Visit soon for best selection
Ranunculus are a special bulb
suitable for forcing in a pot.......along
with many of the bulbs we carry.
Ginkgo and Birch trees and more!
This is one of the 8 ft tall ginkgos we have in
stock this year.
In the background are some of the River Birch
Both are retailing for only $144 tax in {$127.43
before tax}.
We also have some Basswood, Columnar English
Sunburst Locust, Columnar Crab-apple.
For Fruit trees we have one very nice Peach, 2
Apple Trees (3 in 1 hardy types), 2 Bartlett
Pears and 2 Bosc Pears. Pear trees need a
friend...so plant 2 varieties near each
other.....one of each or rely on a
neighbour having a pear tree nearby.
We also have lots of Raspberry in stock.
Lonely Hosta available for
See table at the back of the Hosta section.
2024-08-07 |
SEED packs $2 each
Fall bulb catalogues
up and running.
Order early for best availability
Narcissus /
& Sweet (Crocus, Scilla and many more
short types)
& Wonderful (Anemone Camassia &
other tall)
a spectacular spring it has been for the bulbs!
The daffodils are still going strong, the tulips
are now out and so much more. Drop in and check
out the spectacular bulb display as you head
down the hill to greenhouse 3....
Almost everything is ready to go home with you.
If you have kindly pre-ordered perennials we are
hardening them off and they can be picked up any
Some new items include
Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint)
Pulmonaria 'Shrimps on the Barbie'
Bay Leaf plants
Venus Flytraps
Almost everything
has arrived, very few items missing this year!
We are busy getting things planted and cleaned
Visitors welcome afternoons.
Many plants are ready to be planted outdoors!
Shown at right Climbing Rose Florentine
highly scented old fashioned variety
Wishing all our
customers a happy new year......
Let gardening be your escape and joy
Remember ....Old Gardeners never die, they just
Spade away.
Every fall make sure
to give extra water to your evergreens,
especially if recently planted, in a wind swept
location or if the fall has been dry (as this
year has). This can greatly help winter survival
and prevent browning.
HERE !!! As usual we have top
sized Amaryllis Bulbs along with
Paper-Whites for your Christmas or just winter
enjoyment. If you have pre-Ordered we have set
them aside for you and will get emails out to
you soon.....we continue to be open 6 days a
week from 10 am to 6 pm. Still plenty of fall
bulbs in stock to really create wow factor in
your early spring garden.
As the planting season winds down we are
preparing for winter and planning for spring.
New items will be added to our website by Mid
November. Availability will be left on the site
for reference
The Last Wild Wednesday Sale has
Tulips planted later in October are less
likely to be disturbed by squirrels.
Scilla, Muscari, and Snowdrops (Galanthus)
are among the many small bulbs squirrels do
not eat.
Now is a great time to plant your Daffodils
(again squirrel resistant).
Wow what a Wednesday Sept 27th!
Thanks to all who came by to share a perfect
day....Next Wednesday Oct 4th will be our last
big sale day this year....
Sedum Autumn Joy look good for so long in your
gardens....a bee favourite.
Another great Wild Wednesday
Sept 20th.....
Watch this space Tuesday for next Wednesday's
Think about your bulbs! Selection is getting
lower as items sell out
our Bulb Catalogue here
Fall Crocus planted now will bloom in late
At right is Crocus zonatus
Our Lotus has bloomed!!!
On July 19th it opened, and it is spectacular.
We will take tentative reservations for next
Lotus like warm not very deep water and at least
6 hours of sun to bloom.
Ours has a second flower stalk developing...
so maybe another in 2-3 weeks.
First Day of Summer! Wow spring
goes fast around here, so busy.
Peony Do Tell
Gift Certificates
continue to be a big hit!
If you email us with amount and ideally who the
gift is for, we will email back an invoice. Once
that is paid (yes we love e transfer or use a
credit card over the phone) we will email a PDF
copy of the certificate.
the plants are put to bed for the winter, now it
is time for some Christmas pot
decorations.....start with a pot full of fairly
dry earth, add branches, pine boughs, Hydrangea
dry flowers or whatever you prefer. Water well
only once it is in place (easier to move dry).
Here Lynn and Amber put the finishing touches on
their pot...as we think about how to run a
workshop next year.
Plans are being made for workshops for 2023.
Some will be craft types, some demonstrations of
gardening techniques, discussion of plant
choices and so on.
It's the
lazy daisies of summer......lots of Daisies,
Echinacea (purple cone flower), Black-eyed
Susan's and more to have colour all summer long
in your sunny areas.
Daylilies are in full swing and the re-blooming
types are so nice.
Come for a visit even if it is just to get
at left is Hemerocallis Space Coast Better Late
Open for the season, ready or
Customers are now welcome to come and visit the
nursery and see the greenhouses as well as shop
for seeds and bulbs.
While supply chains are certainly strained we
have a great selection of plants we are growing
for the 2022 planting season. See the Catalogue
page for more info
This Mambo Amaryllis photo came
to us from someone who received the bulb as a
It has 10 blooms.
In fall we get some of the biggest Amaryllis
bulbs you have ever seen.
Once flowers are finished, cut of flower stocks
and fertilize. By summer let plant completely
dry out. We pull out of the pots and re-pot in
fall. Or simply start again with new bulbs.
 Gentians on the left and
Leucanthemum / Daisy
Real Dream on the right.....great flowers to
brighten up the late summer garden.......
What a difference
18 days make!!!
Pond plants have arrived. We carry a limited
selection of Water Lilies, Papyrus, Water
Hyacinth, Water Lettuce and a few more items.
this is why we caution people about early
planting. Many plants are just fine when late
snow arrives. Some plants fresh out of the
greenhouse can suffer, although perennials will
almost always survive.
Clematis, Astilbe, Echinacea, Ferns, Hosta,
Kirengeshoma and Rodgersia are perennials for
which we are very cautious about spring frosts.
Getting ready for
opening day next Tuesday April 20th.....this
warm weather has made everyone ready to buy,
however when planning back in September we
planned for the usual timing for our perennials.
This means our young plants still need TLC until
well into May.
Everything is growing fast and looks great. We
are reserving paid for plants via email
and will have extensive curbside business
as well as limited browsing as we did last year
(10 to 4 Tuesday to Saturday).
Sign up for our email
newsletter to get notified about product
availability and seasonal sales. We are not one
of those weekly types but send maybe 8-10 per
FALL We are closed for the winter. We will sell
some seeds and potting soil starting in late
February. We will open for the season April 20th
This is a photo of some fall crocus we planted
Oct 1st this year. They have been blooming for 2
weeks so far. We will again sell the bulbs in
late summer next year....
Sedum are a mainstay of the fall
garden....the image is of an older Sedum Autumn
Joy. Planted about 8 years ago. Sedum can get
floppy if they are in too much shade or
sometimes when they get old. Very drought
tolerant the foliage sometimes turns yellow if
too much water has been given. It is a good
plant to split every 5-9 years or so, but wait
till spring. We have a large selection of Sedum
still available....see our Sedum Catalogue
tiny frog can rest easily on the Water Hyacinths
in one of our small ponds. Bees also sometimes
use water plants to rest on.
This pond is over 24 years old and still looking
great. One liner replacement and we have
replaced the top boards once.
Summer heat....keep
watering regularly. For best results water
thoroughly in the early morning. Deep watering
less often will encourage roots to go deeper and
plants to establish better. Monarda and Summer
Phlox often get powdery mildew, and evening
watering leaving the foliage moist overnight is
a major cause. The best Monarda I have ever
grown was around a leak in the sprinkler system.
Soaker-hoses also suit Monarda and tall Phlox.
We are continuing with allowing
customers to browse and also curbside pickup.
All the perennials look great.
With the current Covid situation we have made
the difficult decision not to bring any
additional Trees, Fruit Trees or Shrubs in this
This will allow us to concentrate on our core
business of selling perennials.
We will continue to operate with only family
members for all of 2020.
Thanks to all our
customers for a great year. Looking forward to
2020 with increased tree sales, and as usual
lots of new varieties of perennials along with
old favourites.
Spring Bulbs are all here, lots
of choice this year including (but not limited
to) Fritallaria, Allium, Eranthis, Chionodoxa,
Camassia, Muscari, Snowdrops and of course
Tulips and Daffodils.
The first bees we see in spring are on the
Crocus and other early bulbs.....and they give
us lovely early colour before any other flowers
are ready to bloom.
We are prepping for
opening, potting the new stock, wetting our
plants. Opening day will be April 20th....the
Saturday of Easter weekend. Drop by and see all
the new baby plants.
Pond plants have arrived....
Oxygenators, Water Hyacinth, Water Lettuce,
Hardy Water-Lilies and more.
Waterlilies can be grown in any container that
is at least 15" deep and make a real showstopper
on your patio. As a bonus....they don't need to
be watered all the time.
Plants are coming
out of the greenhouses ready for planting. We
also have a large quantity of overwintered well
rooted perennials. These are prime stock and
much sought after by knowledgeable landscape
Camassia bulbs
give these wonderful blue spiked flowers in Late
May / Early June. They are about 60 cm (2 feet)
tall and our patches last for about 3 weeks.
These bulbs are very long lived with patches
planted 20 years ago still flowering well every
The foliage can easily be hidden by planting
with a late flowering perennial such as
Black-Eyed Susan or Asters.
Deer resistant.
Bulbs available now, or in pots come spring.
New Article about Garden
as well as re-formatting some articles that were

Baptisia australis
After our best year ever, with
great sales growth we are ready for whatever
winter brings us....All plants protected for
winter, orders placed for spring.....Time to
start planning for another great season. Thanks
to all our wonderful customers!!
Aug 1, 2014
you thought Hemerocallis (Daylilies) only came
in ditch orange, think again. Daylilies come in
stunning colours, and flower for most of the
summer....still lots in stock.
June 24, 2014
How to plant a
Yucca......use cable ties or
string to collect up the leaves. This prevents
damage to the Yucca flower from handling (and
protects the planter from sharp leaf tips).
June 24, 2014
Orchids at Purdon Conservation Area.
Last week we made a pilgrimage to see the
wild Orchids.
Well worth a visit every couple of years. To get
there travel to Perth then turn north off Hwy 7
onto Hwy #511; follow it through Lanark village.
Travel about 5 km north, turn left onto Watson's
Corners Rd.; follow it for 12 km watch for
signs. Turn right onto concession Rd 8 and
travel 3 km. There is a good boardwalk which
allows you to walk right into the wetlands to
see the 1,000's of Cypripedium regina (Showy
Orchids) along with other orchids, pitcher
plants and much more. Mosquito repellant might
be needed, although the breeze kept them off the
day we were there.
We will be bringing in a very limited number of
Showy Orchids in the fall. Please contact us if
you are interested in reserving one.
June 3,2014
We also do windows!! Thanks to Lynn and
Tia who each produced works of art for our
June 3,2014
Lots of wonderful
plants still available. Some of the plants just
coming in to bloom now include; Prunella,
Salvia, Iris, Hemerocallis (Daylilies), Astilbe,
Tradescantia, Astrantia, Clematis, Van-Houtti
Spireas, all of the Roses including Climbing,
Hybrid Tea, Floribunda and Explorers.
Tree Peony 'Shima Nishiki' in bloom.
April 2014
All four
greenhouses are full of plants now, the bad
weather caused a delay to the start of our
potting season, but everything is quickly
catching up, to be ready for the spring planting
Look for updates to the catalogue page in the next
Opening day is April 20th!!
Fall 2013
We are very
excited about the new pond at the back of the
property. It will be used for trials of pond
plants, over-wintering waterlilies, and also
just for the pure fun of having a pond! Lots of
wildlife have already been attracted, including
a visit from a local Heron and a large
population of frogs. (Less after the Heron
Aug 1, 2013
Did you know we sell Ornamental
grasses? We have
large quantities of high quality ornamental
grasses available.
March 20, 2013
The first round of planting was just finished
when we got yet more snow...Conditions were
perfect so we made a snow-lady, complete with
Made in the Shade pink dress.
The greenhouses are
full, with lots of new items, including a good
selection of Itoh Peonies, Tree Peonies, lots of
Hosta, Daylilies and so much more.
Opening day is
April 20th but visitors are welcome Mon to Fri
9-5 if you just need a dose of growing things.
Weekend visits should be arranged by email.
Sept 1,2011
What's in Bloom;
In the Shade....Actea
Chelone (Turtlehead), Ligularia, Plumbago,
In the Part
Shade ... Japanese Anemone,
Summer Phlox, Black-Eyed-Susan
In the
Sun.... Russian Sage, Sedum,
Joe-Pye Weed, Helenium, Heliopsis,
Buddleia, Roses, Chrysanthemums,
Oenthera (Sundrops)
and more.
Thalictrum splendid
May 28, 2011
new pond at the front is working very
well and is now stocked with Water-Lilies,
Pickerel Lilies, Miniature Bullrushes, Marsh
Marigolds, Water Hyacinths and Water-Lettuce.
May 28, 2011
Rain Rain.....and a visitor to the nursery. This
painted turtle came through right beside the
patio behind the house. Perhaps it was trying to
get to drier land? Certainly it was at least 500
ft from anything remotely resembling a pond.
All the rain we
have had this spring has made for lots of lush
growth on our plants...and very little watering
May 19, 2011
in Bloom. Brunnera are still going
strong, as are the primula's. The Aubrieta's and
Arabis (Rockcress) are pretty and the Moss Phlox
is starting. The Anemone blanda we potted up has
been blooming for over a month now, and the
Cammasia are about to bloom. The late tulips we
planted in the front garden are spectacular and
loving the cool weather. There are lots more
varieties in bloom to see when you visit.
April 29, 2011
Open for
the season. Greenhouses are
stuffed, with lots of new varieties to choose from
as well as old favorites. In blom now are
Hepaticas, Brunnera, English Bluebells and
Trilliums as well as many more just about ready to
In the gardens the daffodils are just starting
their display, and the scilla, chinodoxa crocus
and other small lawn bulbs are putting on a
wonderful display.
The four year old in the picture was enjoying
herself in a sea of Scilla in her backyard this
May 26, 2010
Tree Peony in bloom in the garden.
This is a Paeonia suffruticosa 'Shimadaijin'
(Island Minister) blooming in my garden today. It
was planted two years ago. The flower is about the
size of a cereal bowl. The tree peonies prefer a
location with good light but some protection from
the hot mid day sun. They will slowly grow to
waist high. A beautiful specimen for your
partially shaded border.
There are still 4 left for sale, hurry though,
they won't last long!
May 22, 2010
 Victoria Day
This is
traditionally the weekend your frost worries are
over and a great time to get out in the garden.
Most of our new stock is out of the greenhouses
and ready to plant. The irises are blooming like
mad, and it's all much more stunning in person.
We're open 10 to 6 all weekend.
April 20, 2010
2 is full of plants for the sun, as well as some
spillover shade loving plants. Hosta First Frost
on the right is this years Hosta of the Year, and
this photo taken on the 18th shows how big and
full the plants are already.
January 24, 2010
Getting Ready for Planting.
During the winter we prepare for spring planting.
On of the chores is getting pro-mix down into
greenhouse #3. As you can see, we like to combine
work with play, using our wheel-barrow sled. This
is also the time of year we make the new catalogue
and do our planning for the coming season. Plans
are in the works for a booth at the up-coming
Garden Show in Kingston, March 5-7.
October 3, 2009
October is great
month for Ornamental Grasses. They
provide interest through the fall and all winter
long with their tall stalks and plumes.
Many perennials are still going strong in October
with vibrant blooms to brighten your garden. Come
in and see the display stock blooming now -- we're
open 6 days a week until the end of the month
(except Thanksgiving Weekend).
The foliage on many plants like this Brunnera
lasts well into the fall with sharper contrasts
under the greyer fall skies.
May 17, 2009
The new Made in the
Shade Perennials Inc. web site went on-line today,
so watch this space for news about what's
happening at the nursery, which plants are
blooming this week, and what's on special.